News Round-up July & August 2015
“They live in Wisdom who sees themselves in all and all in them….” It is possible to change our life style, outlook and capacity to accommodate different people if the spiritual outlook is imbibed. We need to stand apart from the rest as we have a great responsibility to educate the younger ones about the spiritual wisdom and develop right perspective about life to the masses. One of the ways of attaining the same is to undertake Swadhyaya regularly and reflect on the same. The life and message of Mananeeya Eknathji would definitely help us to achieve this.
I am happy to share some of the activities of July & August with you all:-
Launching of Vivek Kiran Project

Vivek Kiran, the new service project of Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalayas, Arunachal Pradesh Trust in collaboration with Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust (NRTT), was launched at Kimin in Papum Pare District on 21st August 2015. Mananeeya Pravinji lit the lamp in the presence of Smt. Jaya Taba, CDPO, Sri Unnikrishnan.P.M, Overall Coordinator of Vivek Kiran, Sri Sanjay Karkare, Coordinator, Sri Omanakuttan, Principal, VKV Sher, and Anganwadi workers of Kimin Circle in a simple function to mark the beginning of the Project; it aims to strengthen the formal education system of Kimin circle. The project has 5 components viz, strengthening Pre- Primary education, English Language development Programme, Strengthening Science education & Life skill development Programme in 19 Government Primary and Middle schools of Kimin circle & setting up resource center at VKV Sher. It is a matter of great happiness that we could launch a project during the time of MEJSPV in the place where we started the first VKV in Arunachal Pradesh. It is indeed a rich tribute to Mananeeya Eknathji.
Inauguration of Eknathji Centenary Bhavan
This is another tribute to Mananeeya Eknathji in the form of a magnificent hall at VKV Itanagar. The construction of the Bhavan started on 9th November 2013 with the Vastupooja wherein Man. Balakrishnanji and Dr. Joram Begiji were present. The hall was inaugurated by His Excellency Governor, Sri Jyoti Prasad Rajkhowa in the presence of Dr. Joram Begiji & Mananeeya Bhanudasji on 16th July 2015. The band troops of Banderdewa & Itanagar, the women cultural troops of Chimpu village lead by Smt. Biri Yalik, hundreds of parents of Itanagar, Vivek Vihar and students of Itanagar added to the grandeur of the Programme.
His Excellency Governor Sri Jyoti Prasad Rajkhowa in his address lauded the contribution of VKVs to the educational scenario of the state.
Principals Meet
The Annual Principals’ Meet for the session 2015-16 was convened in VKVAPT, Dibrugarh on 20th and 21st July 2015. All the principals from 33 VKVs attended the Meet. The meet had the guidance of many Kendra elders.

The three sessions on ‘March Forward’ taken by Mananeeya Balakrishnanji and D. Bhanudasji were very much insightful and were studded with the strong ideals of Vivekananda Kendra. Leading purposeful life with Tyaga and Seva as the basic principles with selfless attitude, Systematic approach in all our endeavors, purity of life, Importance of Organizational life, Transparency in our monetary dealings, Teaching of Values to the children, Need of strong spiritual philosophy in life etc were the main topics covered in ‘March Forward’. Principals Meeting took the stock of the activities conducted in the last session in order to make the activities more effective. In addition to these, there were sessions by Dr. Joram Begiji on ‘Educational Needs of Arunachal Pradesh and Our responsibility’, session by Sri Dipok Kumar Borthakur, Trustee, Sri Pravinji on the celebration of Mananeeya Eknathji Janma Shati Parva etc. There were also open discussions on various topics like Higher Academic Result-Why and How, Quality inputs – Hindrances and opportunities in Elementary School Education, Admission Policy, Reporting –Some stumbling Blocks. The result of the last Class X and XII batches were analyzed and targets were set. The various activities to be conducted in the session were also discussed.
Trust Board Meeting
The VKVAPT Trust Board Meeting for the session 2015-16 was convened at VKVAPT, Administrative office at Dibrugarh on 19th July 2015. The meeting was graced by the Trustees: Mananeeya Balakrishnanji, D. Bhanudasji, Sri Dipok Kumar Barthakurji, Dr Joram Begiji, Dr Tejum Paduji, , Sri Jeten Puluji, & Sri Pravin Dabholkar, Secretary, VKVAPT, Sri Rupesh Mathur, Prant Sangathak, VK Arunachal Prant, Sri Arun Raj Singh Shekhawat ,Administrative Officer, VKVAPT andme.The meeting reviewed the activities conducted in the last session and passed the financial budget for the session 2015-16.
Inter VKV Chess Tournament
The second Inter VKV Chess Tournament was held in VKV Roing on 25th and 26th August. A total number of 68 Students (Boys 52, Girls 16) participated from 27 VKVs in different categories. Sri Rajneesh Gupta, IPS, S.P. Lower Dibang Valley District and Sri S.R.Gupta, Dy. Manager, NHPC, Roing graced the Inauguration and the Valedictory Program respectively and enlightened the students with valuable sharing. Sri Bharat Linggi, Sri Santosh Giri, a national level player and Su. Aarti Giri were the referees for the event.
Name of the students
Sub-Junior( Class I to V)
Junior( Class VI to VIII)
Senior( Class IX to XII)
Vivek Vihar
Sargam Camps
Tonurture the musical talents and also for acquainting with Vedic Chanting, patriotic Songs & Sanskrit slokas. The Sargam Camps were conducted at different places wherein selected students from different VKVs participated.
Details of Sargam Camp
Participating Schools
No of Participants
25th to 29th July 2015
Seijosa, Nivedita Vihar, Balijan, Nirjuli & Banderdewa
Vivek Vihar
1st to 3rd August 2015
Vivek Vihar, Sher & Itanagar
7th to 9th August 2015
Kitpi Tawang, Wessang, Bana& KGBV
Sri R Krishna Kumar and Smt. Anjali Das were the resource persons for the camp. The camp was a unique experience for all the participants as they devoted the entire time in learning new Songs, Bhajans and Slokas.
Class Teachers’ Workshop
The second workshop in the series of Workshops for the Class Teachers was conducted at VKV- Roing on 2nd August. 16 Class Teachers from 7schools namely Roing, Sunpura, Tafrogam, Amliang, Kharsang, Jairampur &Wessang attended the workshop. The responsibilities of class teachers, academic monitoring, preparing the students’ for Board examination, test on the CCE knowledge were some of the activities of the workshop. The workshop went on well as there was quality interaction with all of them. Sri Unnikrishnan. P.M, Education Officer, & Sri Ananda Dutta were the important resource persons for the workshop.
Participation in Enrichment Programme
Sri Unnikrishnan.P.M, Education Officer, VKVAPT participated in a 5 days Enrichment Programme for Counselors on contemporary concerns in Guidance & Counseling at NCERT, New Delhi from 29th June to 3rd July 2015. He was one among 25 participants selected in the national Level.
Inspire Programme
The ‘Inspire’ program, to nurture giftedness has been introduced in this academic session. The students studying in Class VI of various VKVs & neighborhood schools of VKVs are the target group. The students are selected based on the common admission test conducted in their respective schools. The selected students will be the part of 5 years training program to be conducted in collaboration with Jnana Prabodhini, Pune. The students will be prepared for NMMS, State Merit scholarship & finally NTSE.
The inspire Programme was formally launched in VKV- Ziro on 10th August. Sri Vivek Ponkshe, Secretary, Education, Jnana Prabodhini, Pune; Sri Tume Amo (IPS), SP, Lower Subansiri &Unnikrishnan.P.M, attended the inauguration function. Three days residential camp was also conducted for the 50 students selected in Ziro Zone on the basis of their performance in Inspire selection test .The participants were from VKVs of Sher, Koloriang, Raga, Kuporijo, Joram, Ziro and Frontier School, Ziro.
Visit of Dr. Ajit Kanitkar
As a part of Trust’s initiative to strengthen and consolidate the existing School system, Dr. Ajit Kanitkar, a management expert was entrusted the task of studying the system for the necessary guidance. To have the first hand information he has made a visit along with our Education Officer to VKVs- Itanagar, Sher, Yazali, Joram, Ziro, Raga, Kuporijo, Jirdin and Oyan and interacted with all the stake holders.
English Teachers’ Orientation Camp
English Teachers’ orientation camp was conducted from 20th to 23rd August at VKV- Itanagar. 49 selected English Teachers teaching mainly in Primary and Middle sections attended the camp. SriTani Talom, Joint Director, Department of Education and Sri Marnya Ete, IAS, Secretary, Department of Education were the Chief Guests for inauguration and valedictory function respectively. Mananeeya Pravinji addressed the participants in inauguration and evening session.
Retd. Prof. Dr. R.K. Jayaraman the main resource person of the camp. Dr.R.K.Jayraman was the former faculty of Central Institute of English and Foreign Language (CIEFL), Shillong and Professor & Head of English Department in University of Sana in Yemen. The camp focused on different aspects of English Teaching like pronunciation, word stress, Rhythm of Language, writing, reading comprehension & Poetry.
Splendid performance of VKVs in District level Science Seminar
District level science Seminar 2015 for school students to select the participants for State Level Science Seminar and then in National Level were held in different District headquarters in the month of August with the theme "Harnessing Light : Prospects and Challenges”. Different VKVs emerged as the winners in their districts and became eligible to participate in the state level Science seminar. The details of the District Level winners are given below:-
Sl No
Papum Pare District
VKV- Sher
Lower Subansiri
Upper Subansiri
VKV- Kuporijo
East Siang
VKV- Oyan
West Siang
VKV- Jirdin
VKV- Sunpura
VKV- Amliang
Kurung Kumey
VKV- Koloriang
VKV- Kharsang
Lower Dibang Valley
East Kameng
VKV- Seijosa
Performance in State Level Science Seminar
11 students from VKVs who were the winners in their respective Districts participated in the State level Science Seminar held on 28th August 2015. Dobang Pertin from VKV Oyan stood third in the state level.The seminar was hosted by Govt Hr Sec School, Arunodaya - Itanagar under the auspices of Directorate of Secondary Education, GoAP.
Participation in NSS Training of Trainers on Gender equity
6 NSS programme officers from VKVs namely Sri Sanjay Kr Yadav, VKV Nirjuli; Smt. Purnima Roy, VKV Tafrogam; Sri V.N.Uthaman VKV Itanagar, Sri Laishram Lokeshor Singh, VKV Sunpura, Sri Pranjal Saikia, VKV Shergaon and Sri G. Arul Babu, VKV Yazali participated in the 3 days Training session conducted by NSS from 28th to 30th August in Itanagar.
Installation of Solar Water heaters in Ziro, Shergaon & Jirdin
With a view to popularize the use of renewable energy sources in community through schools and also to improve the facilities in hostels, the installation of water heaters were done in VKVs Ziro, Jirdin & Shergaon. Thermal water heating system is a cost effective technology that harness the sun’s energy to provide hot water for the hostels. Sudarshan Saur Shakti Pvt. Limited has installed the water heaters in these schools.
‘Vimarsh’ in Schools
As a part of MEJSP, the VKVs have started to conduct ‘Vimarsh” on the topics: Seva, Dharma & Indian Womanhood. VKV Itanagar and Nirjuli conducted Vimarsh on 20th&21st August respectively wherein Mananeeya Hanumantha Raoji, all India Treasure of VK Kanyakumari dealt on the topic ‘Seva’. VKV-Oyan conducted Vimarsh on ‘Seva’ and VKV- Jirdin conducted on the all the three themes.
Prerana Shibir
A 3 day residential Shibir for the Day scholar students of class VII studying in VKVs: Itanagar, Nirjuli, Ziro & Raga was conducted. The shibir is meant to expose the students to the ideal daily routine to be followed in life; living together & helping them to explore the life of great personalities to cherish high ideals in one’s life.
Achievement of students
The Class XII students of VKV Itanagar Kr. Akash Verma & Km. Liza Ghosh won the cash award and certificate from CBSE by participating in ‘Expression Series’ Essay writing competition which is conducted in the National Level.
Tribute to Alma Mater
VKVians in the banner of HALO Society conducted a day long Medical Camp at VKV- Oyan. The Alumni of 1999 Class X batch organized themselves as a service society to undertake various service activities within the state. Dr.M.Perme, DMO inaugurated the camp. Dr.Joram Beda, IAS and Sri Wangda Gyastso, Assistant Professor, JN College who are the alumni of VKVs spoke on the occasion. VKVians like Pisa Kachi, District Treasury Officer, Lower Subansiri, Sri Ranjiv Kimsing Asst.Env. Er, A.P.Pollution Control Board, Sri Kaling Darung, Asst. Prof. J.N.C, Pasighat, Sri Narmi Tade A.E, PHE, Sri Narmi Darang, Asst.Prof.J.N.C, Pasighat, Dr.Tumge Loyi, Medical Officer, Dr. Taru Tazung Medical Officer, Sri Tamchi Shyam, J.E, PHE (all senior VKVns) were also present for the programme. 1100 persons from neighborhood villages of VKV- Oyan were benefitted from the camp.
Best March Past Trophy to VKV Banderdewa
VKV Banderdewa received best March Past troop’s trophy from Hon’ble Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh Sri Nabam Tuki on 15th August at IG Park in Itanagar. 69th State Independence day celebration in Itanagar witnessed the participation of many schools in capital complex, many cultural teams and artists from across the state.
Health Check ups in Schools
VKV Banderdewa, Koloriang, Jairampur, Oyan and Kharsang conducted General Health check ups for all the students. Health check ups are to monitor the physical growth of all the students, the early detections of health related deficiencies if any and also to attend ailments if any.
Dear Sisters and brothers, it was a rejuvenating experience for me to attend the Sangathaks’ Shibir at Kanyakumari which was held from 30th July to 3rd August. The Jeevanviriti Karyakartas from all over the country gathered for the Shibir and it was enriching experience for all the Karyakartas to be with the elders and knowing their experiences with Mananeeya Eknathji and many more things about the organization. Revisiting the goals and collectively thinking about the mission were the prime focus of the Shibir. A special edition of Man. Eknathji’s lectures complied in a set of three books named as “Spiritualizing life” was released during this occasion by Mananeeya Parameswaranji, President, Vivekananda Rock Memorial and Vivekananda Kendra; first copy was given to Adaraneeya Sri.H.Angirasji (Mamaji).
It was also a good experience for me to visit VKVs of Kanyakumari, Valliyur and interact with a large number of students and teachers this time.
Let us all put our effort and positive energy for fruitful and dynamic activities that are aimed for our inner growth, betterment & expansion and consolidation.
Best Wishes on Teachers Day, Sri Krishna Janmashtami and a warm regards to all.
Yours Sincerely,
Joint Secretary
“Like a commander, decide the mission to be fulfilled and then plan the strategy, taking into consideration the power, potentialities and the limitations. Think of the best manner in which the goal is to be achieved. ‘Ifs’ and ‘buts’ have no place in this.” ---Mananeeya Eknathji Ranade.