News Round-up April & May 2016
schools have just re-opened. I can imagine the gleaming and excited
faces of younger ones, who are the proud owners of new text books,
notebooks, School bag, Umbrella etc.… walking on the corridors along
with their friends during recess to share about vacation and various
happenings during the last 2 months. New academic year brings new hopes
and new aspirations.
in Breezy Meadows visualising the same and also observing the various
thoughts which are passing through my mind is a pleasant experience.
feel we need to take care of two important aspects in this academic
session. Teachers, Staff and all parents should do everything to create a
joyful learning atmosphere in schools and also develop Self Esteem of
the students. Equal opportunities for all the students and taking care
of the words and actions can ensure positive atmosphere to keep the
self-esteem of the child intact.
There are many things to share about the various activities that happened in the months of April and May.
Acharya Prashikshan Shibir 2016:

17th Acharya Prashikshan Shibir was conducted in Kanyakumari from 5th to 30th
April 2016 in which 97 teachers attended from the VKVs of Arunachal
Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland, Andaman and Nicobar Island, Karnataka &
Tripura. The shibir provided comprehensive training to the teachers in
respect to Kendra ideology, Indian Culture, Teaching Skills and various
other topics which have enriched the teachers immensely.
APS 2016 was full of activities planned to enrich the participants in
all the skills required to be an ideal Acharya in VKVs as well as to
make one’s life purposeful and meaningful. The participants were busy
right from morning to night in prayer, yogasanas, various group
activities, attending lecture sessions, practice teaching, Patriotic
song and Bhajan practice, story telling sessions, Kridya Yoga, visiting
important places etc. Many important topics were dealt with are like 23
lectures by Mananeeya Nivedita Didi on ‘Indian Culture’, 27 Classes on
Teaching Skills, Counseling and Lesson Plans by Sri. Unnikrishnan P.M.;
Mananeeya Balakrishnanji on ‘ Purification’ and how to overcome
Shadripus and how to practice 6 good qualities; Bhanudasji on ‘Bhagawad
Gita’ and “Kendra Prayer” ; Pravinji on ‘Vivekananda Kendra –A thought
Movement’ and “Vivekananda Kendra Activities; Hanumanta Raoji on
‘Jeevane Yavadadanam Syat Pradanam Tatodhikom’, Swami Vivekananda &
Ramakrishna Paramhamsa; “Man making Nation Building”, “Sa Vidya Ya
Vimuktaye” and “Vishava Ke Vijayata” by Radha Devi; The story of Rock
Memorial by Sri Avinashji, Karya Paddhati theory and practical by Sri
Kamalakant, Role of Teachers in School Administration by Sri Suvan Sett,
Pancha Prerana Srot by Smt. Reboti Didi. In addition to the above Dr.
Ashokji P. Das, a human capital Management Consultant conducted two days
workshop on various activities like Group Discussion, Preparation of
Charts, and Book Analysis etc. A follow up could be possible in the
schools with all these APS participants, let them share their
experiences with the team and do better in the schools.
Result of Class X and XII:
The students of VKVs have done well in the Class X and Class XII Board examination 2016 the result of which was declared on 21st and 28th May 2016 respectively. A Summary of the same has been given below:
Summary of Class X and XII result
Class | Total Strength | Total Pass | Pass Percentage |
X | 943 | 941 | 99.78 |
XII Science | 151 | 136 | 90.06 |
XII Arts | 30 | 27 | 90 |
XII Commerce | 7 | 6 | 85.71 |
Other Features of Class X Result
No of CGPA 10 students | No of CGPA 9& Above students | Other Remarks |
| VKV Tafrogam with 34.1% students followed by VKV Itanagar with29.2% and Nirjuli with 21.4% having CGPA 10 are at the top |
Other Features of Class XII Result
Highest percentage in Science | Km Siddhi Shrivastava | 94.4 |
Highest percentage in Arts | Km Kime Rinio | 91.8 |
Highest percentage in Commerce | Marmi Panggam | 89.2 |
Participation in Orientation Training:
of our teachers were sent to attend Orientation Training on supportive
intervention for Children with Learning Behavioral problemswhich was
organized by NIIPCD, Guwahati on 9th to 13th
2016. Sri Madan Kr Sarkar, Principal, VKV Yingkiong and Sri Rajib
Konwar, Teacher, VKV Seijosa attended the Camp. The training was meant
for the schools’ teachers of North-East in which 47 teachers
Problems/difficulties in Children, gaining perspectives, Modification
in school Processes for children with Learning problems, Intellectual
disabilities in children, Addressing the issue in schools, Role of
school family in supporting children with learning and behavioral
problems etc were dealt in the 5 day training Programme.
Recruitment Drive:

recruitment drive for inducting new teachers for the Vidyalayas was
done from the last week of March to the last week of April in various
places. The interview panel consisted of many Principals and teachers
namely Sri S.C.Dixit, Smt Shanti Manoharan, K.K.Subramanian, Sri
Panchanan Tripathy, Sri Y.Pradip, Sri Gunashekharan, Sri P Padmanabhan,
Sri Kumarvel, Sri Ajay Kumar. P, Sri A. Krishnan, Sri K. Jaishankar,Sri
Bibuti Bhushan Bal, Sri Ashish Chatterjee, Sri Shyamal Chakraborty, Sri
R.Murugan, Sri Balaji N. Wagmare, Sri Ananda Dutta, Sri Vinod Kathawade
and Sri Ananjan Bose. The recruitment process included written test and
interview by the interview panel. The selected teachers have started
reporting to the school.
Participation in Summer Training Camp on Basic Science:

Vinod T Kothawade, teacher, VKV Itanagar and three students from VKV
Itanagar namely Saugat Deb, Shubham Rai, Jumyi Bagra attended the 10th
North-East Students’ summer training Camp on Basic Sciences at Bose
Institute, Darjeeling Campus from April 25 to May 7, 2016. 3 Students
each from all the 7North-Eastern States plus the state of Sikkim and
West Bengal attended the Camp. In addition to various sessions taken by
experts like Prof Samar Bagchi, Prof.B.N Das etc on topics like Air
Pressure & Bernoulli’s Principle,Immunology,Microbiology,Climate
Change, Plant Science etc the students were also taken to Dohtrey
Reserve Forest. It was a great opportunity for the students to learn the
concepts through activities.
A ‘Vimarsh’ was conducted at Pachin, Neder Namlo on 18th
May 2016 on the topic ‘Serve Man Serve God’.It was a good experience
for me to speak to the audience of 30 people who listened with rapt
attention. There was also a question answer session. Smt Ranjana Didi
from VKV Nirjuli and Su Sutapa Didi were also present on the occasion.
Setting up of English Language Lab:

language lab with state of the art facilities have been set up in EMRS
Bana and is ready to use in this session. The language lab will
accelerate the teaching of English language in the school.
Give a little and Get lot - Joy of volunteering:

once said “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the
service of others.” There are many wonderful things that will never be
done if you do not do them, and volunteering is one such thing.
Students of VKV Nirjuli, Itanagar and Vivek Vihar had unique experience
as they decided to invest some part of their vacation for volunteering
for the activities of ‘Vivek Kiran’ at Kimin Circle. 8 Students out of
60,gave more than 20 days for organising various activities of Vivek
taught the Anganwadi children, went around villages to conduct classes
for adults, discuss with Anganwadi workers about the syllabus to be
covered and stayed in the villages to be one among them to share their
happiness and sorrow. One of them even became the mediator for settling
certain petty disputes between families.
of the students who spent 35 days for the project wrote “The experience
was incredible! I never felt lonely or felt bored to be the part of the
project by leaving my family members and the friends who are enjoying
the vacation. I experienced many different things: there were enjoyable
moments, challenging ones, and moments full of laughter, of hard work,
of happiness . . . and above all, there were moments of discovery—I
learned so much about myself, about others, about what’s happening
around us and about a world I had never experienced before, one that has
captured my heart.”
15 staff including Principals and Teachers volunteered to be the part of various activities conducted in the annual vacation.Sl No | Name | VKV | Volunteered for |
1 | Sri Ananda Dutta | VKVAPT | Recruitment |
2 | Sri Bibhuti Bhushan Bal | Sunpura | Recruitment |
3 | Sri K.Jaishankar | Itanagar | Recruitment |
4 | Sri A Krishnan | Roing | Recruitment |
5 | Sri R.Murugan | Dollungmukh | Recruitment |
6 | Sri Ashish Chatterjee | Kuporijo | Recruitment |
7 | Sri Ajaykumar P. | Oyan | Recruitment |
8 | Sri P Padmanabhan | Raga | Recruitment |
9 | Sri Sangram Choudhary | Nirjuli | CBSE work |
10 | Smt. Swapana Borah | Yazali | APS at Kanyakumari |
11 | Dr.Rajendara Kakade | Itanagar | APS at Kanyakumari |
12 | Sri Shyamal Chakraborty | Kharsang | APS at Kanyakumari |
13 | Sri KK.Mishra | Nirjuli | Vacation works at VKV Itanagar |
14 | Sri Sangram Choudhary | Nirjuli | CBSE work |
Kendra has a good man power in VKVAPT set up. I amvisualising the army
of the men and women taking up the flag of service and volunteering many
more works in the days to come.
The quote by Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore is echoing in my mind"I slept and dreamt that life was joy
I awoke and saw that life was service
I acted and behold, service was joy."
dear staff members and students, let us all focus our potentialities by
becoming creative, open minded and dedicated so that we understand
human values, needs and respect of self as well as others.
Wish you a great academic year 2016-17.Joint Secretary
faith that you are all, my brave lads, born to do great things! Let
not the barks of puppies frighten you, no, not even the thunderbolts of
heaven, but stand up and Work! ----Swami Vivekananda. |
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