News Round-up April, May & June 2017
Acharya Prashikshan Shibir at Kanyakumari
Acharya Prasikshan Shibir is an important event for the newly joined teachers to shape them as ideal Acharya. Every year all the new teachers from all the VKVs under Vivekananda Kendra attend the shibir at Kanyakumari. This year the APS was conducted from 1st April to 25th April in which 67 teachers from VKVAPT set up attended. As usual, APS 2017 also was designed to provide all the required inputs to become an ideal Acharya steeped in rich cultural understanding of the great Bharat and grand ideals of Vivekananda Kendra. All the sessions taken by Mananeeya Nivedita Didi, Balakrishnanji, Bhanudasji, Pravinji, Hanumant Raoji, Radha Didi, Rupeshji, Rebati Didi and S B Dixitji enriched all the participants greatly which will have everlasting impression not only on the profession but also on their life as well. In addition to hoan the skills required for the teaching profession there were microteaching classes by Sri P M Unnikrishnan, Education officer, VKVAPT, practice teaching, session on Psycho-social& legal issues taken by Sri Arvindji from NICIP, Bangalore. Sri R Krishna Kumar from VKVAPT also guided the participants. The shibir was full of other activities like Quiz competition, Group discussion, Bhajan practice, Kendra Varga, Sramadan, Kridyayoga etc. The wholehearted participation of all the participants has made the shibir a successful one. Sri Panchanan Tripathy, Principal, VKV Jairampur volunteered to be one among the organizing team from VKVAPT.
Recruitment Drive
A massive Recruitment drive for the teaching and non-teaching staff was conducted during the month of March, April and May. In entire India, interviews were conducted in thirty plus places. It is a matter of great pleasure that many teachers and Principals of VKVs volunteered to conduct interview during the vacation.
Class X and XII Board Exam Result
The students of VKVs have performed extremely well in the Board exams of Class X and XII 2017. The following is the summary:
Class X | Class XII | |
No of students appeared | 1045 | 208 |
No of students passed | 1034 | 177 |
Salient Features | 122 students got CGPA 10 VKV Tafrogam topped with 31.25% students scoring CGPA 10 |
Pallabi Roy, VKV Roing with 92.4%, Aman Taboh, VKV Itanagar with 93.8% and Ringam Tali with 84.2% topped among VKVs in Science, Arts and Commerce stream respectively. |
Workshop by Arvind Goreji at VKV Yazali
Sri Arvind Goreji, a teacher trainer and an experienced former Principal has been constantly monitoring the school activities and guiding the teachers of VKV Yazali for the last one year. In order to help teachers to chalk out a comprehensive year plan, Sri Arvind Goreji visited VKV Yazali and conducted workshop from 25th May to 3rd June. Introduction of various innovative teaching methodologies, how to add qualities of a good teacher, tips for academic excellence, goal setting for the academic year, lesson note making, methods to address the slow learners were the highlights of the workshop.
Observation of World Environment Day

All the VKVs celebrated World Environment Day with manifold activities. The activities included Speech on the importance of the Day, planting of saplings, drawing competition etc. The NSS unit of VKV Yazali took up cleaning drive in the nearby Medical Unit in collaboration with the medical staff.
Celebration of 3rd International Yoga Day

All the VKVs of Arunachal Pradesh celebrated 3rd International Yoga Day with lot of enthusiasm. The programs included mass yoga practice in the school, speech to highlight the importance of yoga and participation in mega programs organized by govt and other agencies. Selected students of VKVs Itanagar, Nirjuli and Vivek Vihar participated in the mega program organized by state Govt at IG Park which was graced by Sri Pema Khandu, honorable Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh. VKV Jairampur students also participated in public program at Jairampur. Selected students from VKV Nivedita Vihar were sent to train students of three govt schools prior to the actual demonstration on 21 June in the VKV campus. 60 local public were present in the celebration at VKV Koloriang. The VKVAPT administrative office conducted Yoga sessions for the staffs. Sri Rupesh Mathur, Joint Secretary VKVAPT was invited to deliver speech on the day at Regional Medical Research Center, NE Region located at Dibrugarh. The staffs of RMRC were also given practice on yoga for two days prior to the actual demonstration on 21 June.
Participation in Workshop on Science Connect

Selected students of VKVs Itanagar, Vivek Vihar and Nirjuli participated in a three day workshop on Science Connect at State Science Center, Indira Gandhi Park Itanagar from 23rd to 25th June. The workshop was also attended by students from other three schools from Arunachal Pradesh. The group led by Kr. Nguli Lombi of Class X, VKV Itanagar secured first position in the final day Science Quiz Stage-II competition and were nominated for Regional Level Science Quiz which will be held at Guwahati. Sri P. Lombi, Scientist-B and Nodal Officer, Dept. of Science and Technology Itanagar, Sri Narendra Singh Dhar, Sri Akhilesh Srivastava, Sri Sachin C. Narwadia of Vigyan Prasar Delhi were the resource persons for this State Level Science connect programme.
Participation in local festival Celebration

Students and Staff of VKV Shergaon participated in the Chokar puja and Kro festival on 9-6-2017 and 11-6-2017 respectively with the villagers of Shergaon. Buddhists of W.Kameng celebrate this puja and festival once in a year with devotion and deep reverence to Lord Buddha. Students and Teachers participated in the traditional and cultural part of festival with the villagers. Lamas, Village elders blessed everybody and extended their heartfelt hospitality to all.
Foundation Stone laying ceremony at Namsai
The foundation stone laying ceremony for the establishment of VKV at Namsai was conducted on 25th June. Sri Chowna Mein, Honourable Deputy Chief Minister, Arunachal Pradesh, Chow Tewa Mein and Zingnu Namchoom, Parliamentary Secretary and Sri R K Sharma, Deputy Commissioner, Namsai District graced the ceremony. Sri P. K. Pandey, CIC, Sri Unnikrishnan P M, Education Officer, Sri R Krishna Kumar, member VKVAPT, Mrs K K Reena, Principal, VKV Tafrogam were also present in the program.
Medical Camps at VKV Kharsang & Dado
A dental Medical camp was conducted for the students of Class I to X in VKV Kharsang from 19th June to 22nd June with the initiatives of Health Unit of Arun Jyoti Project, Vivekananda Kendra-Kanyakumari. The main Resource person for the camp was Dr Ratul Das (Dentist). A total number of 380 students and 23 parents got the benefit of the Camp. On 22nd June, Dr Ratul Das also took a session on ‘Health and Hygiene for Class VIII to X students. In VKV Dado, a medical Camp was conducted on 12 June. After deliberation from Dr Tadar Tagh and his team, an essay and drawing competition was conducted and prizes were given.
“Good motives, sincerity and infinite love can conquer the world. One single soul possessed of these virtues can destroy the dark designs of millions of hypocrites and brutes.” ~~ Swami Vivekananda |
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